The Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Florida State Parks Foundation have given two awards to John D. MacArthur Beach State Park.
The first is CSO of the Year Award in the category of resource management for the Citizen Science Marine Debris Program. The program, part of the Citizen Stewards: Securing a Sustainable Future program funded by the Community Foundation of Palm Beach and Martin counties, was started last June. Since then, the program has educated visitors on the marine debris crisis. The program enlists their help to clean the beach, and to date, more than 967 pounds of microplastics have been collected, weighed and reported to agencies, a news release said.
Yhe second award was presented to Twain Glas, Jr. for 2018 Outstanding Youth Volunteer Award for his accomplishment in the category of park resource management through the Jr. Friends Citizen Science
Projects. Twain has been a volunteer at the park since he was 11. He comes in once a month for Jr. Friends meetings, and additionally once every week for Citizen Science data collection.