On Wednesday, February 10, 2016 the Friends of Florida State Parks awarded MacArthur Beach State Park’s education team with the not one but TWO awards! The first award “CSO/Park Short Term Project of the Year” was awarded for the Park’s new curriculum entitled “Student Stewards: A Focus on Water Resources.” The second award “CSO/Park Long Term Project of the Year” was awarded for the Park’s ongoing Natural Science Education Program. The awards were presented by, Donald Forgione, Director of Florida Park Service, who came from Tallahassee to present the awards to Friends of MacArthur Beach State Park and MacArthur Beach State Park.
“The quality education programs provided by MacArthur provides students with experiences they do not get anywhere else. They learn new concepts and ideas, immersed in our natural world, through state parks,” said Forgione.
MacArthur Beach State Park’s Education Program, in its current form, was developed in 2001. Students from all over Palm Beach County can participate in the education program free of charge, using the beautiful Park as an outdoor classroom. The Program includes 13 grade specific and standards-based programs, all approved by the Palm Beach County (PBC) School Board. Last year, more than 5200 students participated these exciting, experiential learning programs.
The newest curriculum, “Student Stewards: A Focus on Water Resources” launched this school year and focuses on the importance of our water resources here in Florida. The program develops an awareness, understanding and appreciation of our water and natural resources and provides hands-on quality learning experiences. “It is my goal with this new program and with all of our programs, for the students to walk away with a new appreciation and knowledge about our Park, and natural systems as a whole, says Veronica Frehm, Director of Education. “We know that they will be the future leaders, making decisions that will affect our Park and our planet. We are thrilled to receive the two awards and to be recognized by the State of Florida for our efforts.”
John D. MacArthur Beach State Park, Palm Beach County’s only state park, is situated on a barrier island between the Atlantic Ocean and the Lake Worth Lagoon. The Park is made up of 438 acres of pristine coastal land and contains four different communities or habitats including seven species of plants and twenty-two species of animals on the endangered or threatened list. MacArthur Beach is truly an “Island in Time.